September 9, 2021
There will be mobile vaccination clinics available where any community member, 12+ years old, may receive their FREE VACCINATION.
Minors must have proof of age and their le...

August 31, 2021
There will be mobile vaccination clinics available where any community member, 12+ years old, may receive their FREE VACCINATION.
Minors must have proof of age and their le...

August 31, 2021
Hello HUSD parents and guardians! Fall winds are upon us and with the weather changes come sneezing and runny noses. Just a reminder that the following are all symptoms of Covid-1...

August 10, 2021
HUSD Mental Health Support
As we welcome our amazing students and staff back to school Hesperia Unified School District would like to remind our community that we remain commit...

July 29, 2021
This message is from Dave Olney, Superintendent of the Hesperia Unified School District.
Good afternoon everyo...
July 29, 2021
The 21-22 HUSD Pandemic Addendum/COVID-19 Safety Plan is meant to aid students, families, and school sites to return to full time in-person instruction for the entire 2021-2022 sc...

July 1, 2021
HUSD is proud to announce a new Health & Wellness website. If you, or a student you know, needs help with, Depression, Trauma, Stress, Self-Harm, Anger Management, Anxiety, Lone...

June 22, 2021
Recently, Congress extended P-EBT through the summer of 2021. If California is approved to provide Summer P-EBT benefits, eligible children will receive a standard Summer P-EBT be...
May 29, 2021
In 2019, Senate Bill 328, Pupil Attendance: School Start Time (Ed Code,46148), was approved requiring high school and middle school start times be adjusted to better meet the heal...
May 27, 2021
Note: This is the last HUSD COVID update email. To keep up with COVID data after today please go to covid19-sbcph.hub.arcgis.com/ for county data and/or covid19.ca.gov/s...

May 27, 2021
Summer is coming! Nutrition Services is excited to offer #FREE summer meals to ALL children ages 1-18!
Drive-Thru Grab-and-Go Service will be available at Sultana High and Hesp...

May 24, 2021
HUSD is happy to announce that COVID-19 vaccinations are currently available for ALL County residents 12 years of age and older. Vaccination is NOT required. HUSD respec...

May 24, 2021
There will be mobile vaccination clinics available where any community member, 12+ years old, may receive their FREE VACCINATION.
Minors must have proof of age and their le...
May 20, 2021
Note: HUSD will discontinue weekly COVID updates on Wednesday 5/26/21.
Weekly HUSD COVID Update 5/12/21:
San Bernardino County COVID Data:
Most up to dat...

May 19, 2021
There will be mobile vaccination clinics available where any community member, 12+ years old, may receive their FREE VACCINATION. Minors must have proof of age and their lega...

May 17, 2021
HUSD is happy to announce that COVID-19 vaccinations are currently available for ALL County residents 12 years of age and older. Vaccination is NOT required. HUSD respec...

May 13, 2021
HUSD is happy to announce that COVID-19 vaccinations are currently available for ALL County residents 12 years of age and older. Vaccination is NOT required. HUSD respec...
May 12, 2021
Note: HUSD will discontinue weekly COVID updates on Wednesday 5/26/21.
Weekly HUSD COVID Update 5/12/21:
San Bernardino County COVID Data:
Most up to dat...

May 11, 2021
Are you interested in a Virtual Learning Program option for your child next school year? Let us know by filling out the interest survey linked below.

May 6, 2021
Are you interested in a Virtual Learning Program option for your child next school year? Let us know by filling out the interest survey linked below.